Template type : 2 Sidebar, Tabbed widget, Top Navigation Bar, Web 2.0, White, Just for Wordpress.
Bunga Indah is a free Worpdress template custom design with 2 Left Sidebar, 3 Column, and you can download Bunga Indah Wordpress template for free only in Wammy's Blog.
*** Installing WordPress Themes
1. Access your Web server using an FTP client or Web server administration tools.

2. Create a folder for your specific theme under "wp-content/themes" folder within WordPress installation. For example:

3. Copy or upload theme files exported from Artisteer into the newly created <YourThemeName> folder.

4. Login to your WordPress administration panel and select Design -> Themes.

5. In the 'Available Themes' section click on your theme title or screenshot, then click the 'Activate Theme' link to activate it.

For more information please refer to the official WordPress documentation:

*** Creating localized WordPress Themes with Artisteer
When exporting themes Artisteer automatically includes several language files
obtained from Wordpress Website at http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Localization
Specifically French, German, Italian and Spanish translations are exported by Artisteer in the Wordpress compliant file naming format:


For example German language file is: de_DE.mo

*** Installing additional language support
To include a different or additional language support in your Worpdress theme
please find and copy the desired language files into your specific Wordpress theme folder.
You can find the additional language files in your default theme folder "<WordPressFolder>\wp-content\themes\default",
or on the Wordpress Website at http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Localization

To select a different language than your current Wordpress language,
change the "define" function in the wp-config.php file, for example:
define('WPLANG', 'de_DE')

*** Editing translations
To edit translations for your language please download and install
Codestyling Localization plug-in from http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/codestyling-localization/
Then in WordPress administration select Manage -> Localization.

*** Creating a custom Vertical Menu with separators
To create a custom Vertical Menu with separators:

   1. Create/Open your custom Vertical Menu in Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menus -> [custom menu name].
   2. Go to the "Custom Links" block, enter # symbol in the URL field and name the separator (e.g. my separator 1). Press "Add to Menu" and see the newly created separator in the list with other Vertical Menu items. Continue the procedure to add more separator menu items.
   3. Create new menu items or drag and drop the existing items to place them inside the separator menu item. Press "Save Menu" and go to your website to check the Vertical Menu.


  1. Ayo yang mau bagusin blognya pake bunga diatas silahkan download..

    Salam Blogger

  2. nyimak sob....gak pake wordpress aq nya...:)

  3. hm, saya pengguna blogcepot nih...

  4. cewek banget :D ............................`.

  5. wahhh.. bunga'a bagus tuh Kak.. ganti gk yaa.. hehe
    gk ah,, g pnya bnyk wktu buat ngaturnya..
    kak wam,, kok kl Egha komen di blog egha, g ada tulisan adminnya? apa egha salah skrip? :(

    1. coba cek lagi,,apa statusku,,trs coba komen di artikel yang egha buat...

  6. Lumayanlah templatenya,,, cocok untuk Cewe yang suka doggy style... hehe,,
    ayo goyang dogy style.. 6^_^9..


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